Warranty non-cover disputes arise regularly after a vehicle has already been bought from a dealer, in either new or used condition.
They occur when there is a problem with the vehicle that the owner feels should be covered by the warranty, but the dealer says otherwise. If you find yourself in this situation, you can get the help you need from Car Inspections Ireland.
One of our network of professional and accredited engineers will fully inspect the problem, and provide an expert engineer’s report on its cause and whether or not it should fall under the terms of the warranty. We will also inspect all other items on our 100-point checklist, to see if there are other issues you should also be aware of.
We can carry out that check at either the dealer’s premises, if it’s already there for repair, or at any other location convenient to you, if you’ve still got the vehicle yourself.
Our engineer will inform both you and the dealer of the main findings of the inspection, immediately after it’s been completed. He will then compile a detailed written report on these and all other findings, and supply a copy of it both to you and to the dealer.
We can also advise on appropriate action through the following dispute resolution processes:
Direct negotiation with the dealer
Small Claims Court
National Consumer Agency
SIMI (Society of the Irish Motor Industry) tribunals process
Civil litigation process and courts